Coach To Lead Book Club – June

Millionaire Success Habits

Book by Dean Graziosi

Coach To Lead is a platform designed for connecting, networking, and sharing the game. Philosophically, I believe in the phrase Coach To Lead. My purpose is to coach players and to build leaders.

Welcome to the seventh month of the Coach To Lead book club. I’ve read and am currently reading some great books, and am looking to get back to consistently sharing some insight from them. I most recently finished Millionaire Success Habits by Dean Graziosi. Dean talks about building successful habits, and how to do so. He challenges his readers to develop a strong why, and how that plays a role in changing habits vs. continuing in the same rut. With that being said, take some time to think about your WHY. Why do you do the things you do on a daily basis? Go deeper than the surface level. Dean calls it going seven layers deep. Ask yourself the question of why each time you answer, seven different times. Your first answer may be “so I can make money and provide for my family.” That’s a great why. But ask yourself “why do I want to make money and provide for my family?” This will lead to another answer. A deeper answer. It may be because you ultimately want more time and flexibility to spend with your family. It may be because you want to provide them with opportunities you were never given. There’s a deep meaning to your why. Only you can find out what that is! Once you do, you’ll take your habits and productivity to a whole new level.

He goes on to discuss ways to increase your impact and productivity, providing action items and steps you can take now to begin reaching your full potential. I highly recommend giving Millionaire Success Habits a read. One you do, let me know what you think!