Coach To Lead Book Club – July

A Life of Excellence

Book by Richard E. Simmons III

Coach To Lead is a platform designed for connecting, networking, and sharing the game. Philosophically, I believe in the phrase Coach To Lead. My purpose is to coach players and to build leaders.

Welcome to the eighth month of the Coach To Lead book club. I’ve read and am currently reading some great books, and am looking to get back to consistently sharing some insight from them. I most recently finished A Life of Excellence by Richard E. Simmons III. This book was gifted to me by Phil Beckner after attending his D2C All-Access Coaches Clinic. This is a 64 page book that ends with an action plan, which is a nice addition. Often we read, feel inspired, put the book down and never take action. I would feel safe saying a lot of time it’s because we don’t know how to take further action. The book is split into five chapters: 1. The Pain of Regret. 2. “Good Enough” Never Is. 3. Understanding Ourselves. 4. Changing Your Life. 5. Time Is of the Essence.

At the D2C All-Access Coaches Clinic, guest speaker Matt King spoke about the price tag to excellence. There is a severe vulnerability and price that must be paid by those who are seeking to become or to sustain excellence. While there may be some innate level or desire within us to achieve a level of excellence, it requires a consistent price to be able to achieve.

I highly recommend reading A Life of Excellence by Richard E. Simmons III. It’s a quick read that is sure to make an impact.