Coach To Lead Book Club – March

Winning The War In Your Mind

Book by Craig Groeschel

Coach To Lead is a platform designed for connecting, networking, and sharing the game. Philosophically, I believe in the phrase Coach To Lead. My purpose is to coach players and to build leaders.

Welcome to the twelfth month of the Coach To Lead book club. I’ve read and am currently reading some great books. The time I spend reading at night has become one of my favorite parts of my day, and something I look forward to. I most recently finished Winning The War In Your Mind by Craig Groeschel. Craig is the Senior Pastor for Life Church in Oklahoma. He’s a Best Selling Author and Leadership Expert.

Last month I mentioned my intrigue in relation to the psychology behind performance and how the brain works. I’m in my second month of diving into performance psychology and have learned a vast amount of information. One of the main messages in Winning The War In Your Mind is changing your thinking, which will in turn change your life. Our lives are always moving in the direction of our strongest thoughts. Stop and ponder on what you are thinking about right now. What patterns do you see in your thinking? What thoughts tend to dominate the majority of your thinking?

I believe the process to changing our thoughts begins with an awareness of our current thought patterns and beliefs. Being a Pastor, Craig takes a biblical approach combined with psychology in how to use our thoughts for us. He quotes the Apostle Paul saying, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable. If anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things. Whatever you’ve learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me, put it into practice. And, the God of peace will be with you.” Paul is suggesting to the reader the power of thought put into action.

Craig ends the book talking about how to utilize biblical passages to overcome the mental ruts we have created in our minds. Think of a rut. It’s been driven in over and over again. A rut will essentially steer your vehicle for you, with the wheels unable to get over and out of the rut. This is similar to our thoughts. The more we think certain thoughts, the bigger the rut becomes, and the easier it is to think these thoughts again. The goal is to create more positive mental pathways over negative mental ruts.

I highly recommend giving Winning The War In Your Mind by Craig Groeschel a read if you’re looking to improve your mindset, create new positive mental thought patterns and to ultimately begin to change your life.