Coach To Lead Book Club – Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich

Book by Napoleon Hill

Coach To Lead is a platform designed for connecting, networking, and sharing the game. Philosophically, I believe in the phrase Coach To Lead. My purpose is to coach players and to build leaders.

Welcome to the Coach To Lead book club. I’ve read and am currently reading some great books. The time I spend reading at night has become one of my favorite parts of my day, and something I look forward to. I most recently finished Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Think and Grow Rich examines the psychological power of thought, including using the brain to increase financial wealth and achievement. There have been over 70 million copies sold.

He touches on one of the most important aspects of this book very early on, that being autosuggestion. In short, autosuggestion is a psychological technique that is used to achieve goals and dreams through utilization of the subconscious mind. By focusing on your goals, writing them down and telling yourself over and over again you’re going to achieve them, you unlock a powerful subconscious ability to capture what you are seeking. If you’ve ever heard the phrase “change your thoughts and you’ll change your world,” this aligns with that sentiment. Combining autosuggestion with desire and faith is the way Hill writes you can become limitless.

Hill moves on to talk about obtaining specialized knowledge, particularly through mastermind groups. If you think of the popularity behind networking groups and other similar entities, you can’t help but point to this section of the book. One of the most fun areas of the book comes next, when Hill describes the power of imagination. Far too often, as we age, we lose our imagination. We no longer utilize our brain power to imagine like we did as a kid, to dream and to picture thinks beyond our current situation. Hill breaks down two areas of the imagination – the synthetic imagination and the creative imagination.

A couple more aspects include persistence and tying it all together with the subconscious mind. Too many people give up too quickly. We pursue a path, face some frustration or delay, life gets in the way and we change paths before ever realizing we’ve achieved what we have set out to do. It takes willpower and courage to continue to cruise forward when facing a setback or failure.

I highly recommend giving Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill a read if you’re looking for a new way to maximize your goals, your dreams and your life.