Coach To Lead Book Club – August

Coach To Lead Book Club – August

Pivot and Go

Book by David Nurse

Coach To Lead is a platform designed for connecting, networking, and sharing the game. Philosophically, I believe in the phrase Coach To Lead. My purpose is to coach players and to build leaders.

Welcome to the second month of the Coach To Lead book club. I really began to enjoy reading during college, and started buying books on a regular basis. The more and more I have spent time reading, the more I have benefitted. One thing I enjoy doing is challenging my thinking and learning new perspectives. Reading has the unique power to do both of those things.

I came across David Nurse while listening to a podcast. As a basketball coach, I immediately connected with David as I heard him speak about his basketball playing and coaching journey. I’m sure whatever it is you do, you feel that connection to others who do the same thing. There’s a strong sense of that for me when it comes to basketball coaches, especially guys who had to absolutely grind to make it there. I was immediately intrigued when I heard David called every single NBA GM is search of a job. He mentions not one answered, so he wrote hand written letters to each of them. He didn’t ask for a job, but rather told them about himself and pointed out unique things about their franchise and how they ran their teams. I did something similar in college. While looking to break into the collegiate athletics world, with the goal of becoming an AD, I sent over 300 emails to D1 schools across the country in hopes of landing an internship or grad assistantship. David received a shot in the NBA. I received a shot in a collegiate athletic department. It works! 

Pivot to Go provides a unique approach to reading. Within his book, David provides the 29 day blueprint to redefine and achieve your success. It’s broken out perfectly to read 1 chapter per day, take action at the end of each chapter, and have made specific changes to your life within a month. I highly recommend Pivot and Go if you’re looking to breakthrough in your personal life! 

If you’ve read Pivot to Go, drop a comment on what your breakthrough to success has been. If you haven’t read it, jump in and let’s talk!