Coach To Lead Book Club – May

Coach To Lead Book Club – May

Personality Isn’t Permanent 

Book by Benjamin Hardy

Coach To Lead is a platform designed for connecting, networking, and sharing the game. Philosophically, I believe in the phrase Coach To Lead. My purpose is to coach players and to build leaders.

Welcome to the sixth month of the Coach To Lead book club. I’ve read and am currently reading some great books, and am looking to get back to consistently sharing some insight from them. I most recently finished Personality Isn’t Permanent by Benjamin Hardy. Wow! My eyes were opened during this read. I love reading books that challenge how I think, and challenge the way I was taught to think or the things that have been so engrained in me throughout 30 years of life. Many organizations, companies and individuals obsess over personality. They hand out assessments, tests and quizzes to measure and pinpoint personality types. The problem is, these are all focused on the past version of ourselves. To quote Hardy, “Your personality isn’t permanent. The most successful people in the world base their identity and internal narrative on their future, not their past.”

Hardy provides actionable questions and has worksheet options to help you work through creating your future self. The stories we tell ourselves and the thoughts associated with these stories play an immensely powerful role in creating our future self, or our future personality. 

This book is one I will go back and read again. It’s made me re-consider some of my goals and how to achieve them. Give it a read and let me know what you think!