Leadership & Motivation


Once you understand your players and what triggers their engagement in the team, or buy in, you're in a position to motivate.

The most challenging, yet rewarding aspect of being a leader and a culture driver, is developing the individual relationships in your program that will drive individual player engagement. If you have 15 different players, you’ll most likely have 15 different things that drive engagement. Before you can develop a culture of engagement, you have to invest in your players enough to know what those engagement factors are.







A coaches ability to lead a team is one of the most important aspects of coaching. Besides the x's and o's, coaches need to create an environment for individuals to thrive together. A successful program has a culture that begins with the coach. 

1. What does your player value on the court, and what areas are they strong in? You may have great players in the wrong role, and in turn, they are average. Ask your players what drives their engagement. What are they interested in? What do they want to do? What do they want to learn? You may be surprised by your findings. Putting people in a position to succeed is leadership that triggers motivation. Are you leading your players?

2. What do your players value outside of the gym? As a program, if you have the chance, give your player the opportunity to combine their values outside the gym with your values inside the gym. Empower your players to engage in their interests, and they will bring that energy and engagement back to you. 

3. Does your culture allow for autonomy? Autonomy is the freedom of action. Autonomy is built on trust. Trust is developed through relationships. Relationships are the center point of any leadership opportunity. You can’t lead those you don’t know. Players are looking to add value, but some may not know how to do it in their position. I’ve found providing direction and giving autonomy to accomplish tasks drives engagement. Let the players struggle at times. Let them think through what you're teaching.

Leadership and motivation

A Life Changing Conversation With George Raveling

August 30th is a special day. Each year on this date, I have the unique opportunity to reflect on a life changing meeting I had seven years ago. In a way, it feels like it was yesterday. As I read through my notes and the accompanying journal experience, the nerve racking and inspiring thoughts and […]

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Coach To Lead Book Club – Cornfields to Gold Medals

Cornfields to Gold Medals Book by Don Showalter Coach To Lead is a platform designed for connecting, networking, and sharing the game. Philosophically, I believe in the phrase Coach To Lead. My purpose is to coach players and to build leaders. Welcome to the Coach To Lead book club. I’m excited to share more about a phenomenal […]

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Coach To Lead Book Club – Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich Book by Napoleon Hill Coach To Lead is a platform designed for connecting, networking, and sharing the game. Philosophically, I believe in the phrase Coach To Lead. My purpose is to coach players and to build leaders. Welcome to the Coach To Lead book club. I’ve read and am currently reading some great […]

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Coach To Lead Book Club – March

Winning The War In Your Mind Book by Craig Groeschel Coach To Lead is a platform designed for connecting, networking, and sharing the game. Philosophically, I believe in the phrase Coach To Lead. My purpose is to coach players and to build leaders. Welcome to the twelfth month of the Coach To Lead book club. I’ve read […]

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Coach To Lead Book Club – February

Limitless Book by Jim Kwik Coach To Lead is a platform designed for connecting, networking, and sharing the game. Philosophically, I believe in the phrase Coach To Lead. My purpose is to coach players and to build leaders. Welcome to the eleventh month of the Coach To Lead book club. I’ve read and am currently reading some […]

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Your Mindset Matters

If you’ve received critical feedback, regardless of knowing it’s an important aspect of growth, my guess would be the majority of us have still felt defensive, upset, let it shake our confidence, or a variety of other similar feelings. WHAT IF… Our mindset flipped to feeling upset about those around us NOT holding us accountable […]

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Coach To Lead Book Club – September

The Dichotomy of Leadership Book by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin Coach To Lead is a platform designed for connecting, networking, and sharing the game. Philosophically, I believe in the phrase Coach To Lead. My purpose is to coach players and to build leaders. Welcome to the tenth month of the Coach To Lead book club. I’ve […]

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A Day With George Raveling

Every year come August 30th, I have the unique opportunity to reflect on a life changing meeting I had six years ago. As I read through my notes and the accompanying journal experience afterward, those thoughts and feelings I had while boarding a plane, tossing and turning through the night with nerves, and navigating through […]

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Coach To Lead Book Club – August

The Big Leap Book by Gay Hendricks Coach To Lead is a platform designed for connecting, networking, and sharing the game. Philosophically, I believe in the phrase Coach To Lead. My purpose is to coach players and to build leaders. Welcome to the ninth month of the Coach To Lead book club. I’ve read and am currently […]

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Coach To Lead Book Club – July

A Life of Excellence Book by Richard E. Simmons III Coach To Lead is a platform designed for connecting, networking, and sharing the game. Philosophically, I believe in the phrase Coach To Lead. My purpose is to coach players and to build leaders. Welcome to the eighth month of the Coach To Lead book club. I’ve read […]

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Coach To Lead Book Club – June

Millionaire Success Habits Book by Dean Graziosi Coach To Lead is a platform designed for connecting, networking, and sharing the game. Philosophically, I believe in the phrase Coach To Lead. My purpose is to coach players and to build leaders. Welcome to the seventh month of the Coach To Lead book club. I’ve read and am currently […]

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Coach To Lead Book Club – May

Coach To Lead Book Club – May Personality Isn’t Permanent  Book by Benjamin Hardy Coach To Lead is a platform designed for connecting, networking, and sharing the game. Philosophically, I believe in the phrase Coach To Lead. My purpose is to coach players and to build leaders. Welcome to the sixth month of the Coach To Lead […]

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My Morning Routine

I recently read a quote that said something along the lines of “you either win or lose your day before 8am.” I’ve always had a morning routine, but have felt compelled to make a few positive changes for a few months now. As I put it off, I continued to find myself reading and listening […]

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Middleton Skill Development

Are you interested or are you committed? I read this question the other day in Personality Isn’t Permanent by Benjamin Hardy P.hD, and continue to come back to it. I’ve been pondering it as I go throughout my day and deal with the different tasks at hand. I also consider it when talking to other […]

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Coach To Lead Book Club – April

Stillness Is Key Book by Ryan Holiday Coach To Lead is a platform designed for connecting, networking, and sharing the game. Philosophically, I believe in the phrase Coach To Lead. My purpose is to coach players and to build leaders. Welcome to the fifth month of the Coach To Lead book club. I’ve read and am currently […]

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Middleton Love Your Neighbor Service Event

We had the opportunity as a program to help volunteer and serve our community at the Middleton Love Your Neighbor Service Event. Our student athletes gathered and sorted hundreds of donations, along with helping tie 4 quilts and 12 fleece blankets. One lady mentioned they tied three quilts in three hours last year. Our boys […]

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The 5 H’s

One of the most important aspects of building a team is the bond that’s created throughout the season. The players become brothers, and we become a family together. We spend a lot of time together. We celebrate together. We get frustrated together. We take feedback together. We learn together. We communicate often with one another. […]

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Coach To Lead Book Club – October

Coach To Lead Book Club – October How To Win Friends and Influence People Book by Dale Carnegie Coach To Lead is a platform designed for connecting, networking, and sharing the game. Philosophically, I believe in the phrase Coach To Lead. My purpose is to coach players and to build leaders. Welcome to the fourth month of […]

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5 Year Plan – 5 Year Mentor

Have you ever had a conversation or interaction you have reflected on over and over again? I had mine, 5 years ago to the day in El Segundo, California. Still to this day, I think it may have been the most nerve racking day I experienced, but one of the most impactful of my life. […]

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Self-Leadership Successful individuals know how to lead. There have been thousands of leadership books, thoughts, and ideas published through different mediums. While many of these ideas differ in their approach, there has been one consistent approach in the differing models. Self-leadership is the first step that must be taken in order for successful individuals to […]

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Coach To Lead Book Club – August

Coach To Lead Book Club – August Pivot and Go Book by David Nurse Coach To Lead is a platform designed for connecting, networking, and sharing the game. Philosophically, I believe in the phrase Coach To Lead. My purpose is to coach players and to build leaders. Welcome to the second month of the Coach To Lead […]

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The Coach To Lead Philosophy

I get asked about my coaching philosophy often. I believe coaching is a calling, a way for me to serve, lead and empower those I get to coach through a game I love. I feel compelled to dedicate my time to educating and mentoring through basketball. I heard something the other day about coaching that […]

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Coach To Lead Book Club – July

Coach To Lead Book Club – July Be Where Your Feet Are: Seven Principles to Keep You Present, Grounded, and Thriving Book by Scott O’Neil Coach To Lead is a platform designed for connecting, networking, and sharing the game. Philosophically, I believe in the phrase Coach To Lead. My purpose is to coach players and […]

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Team Building Activity – The 5 H’s

Practices over Christmas break are one of my favorite parts of the season, for a couple different reasons. Most days they look something like this: 3:45-4 – Skill Development, Hall of Fame Footwork, Weak Hand Dev, Change Pace Change Direction, Full Court Shooting 4-4:15 – 4 Ball Transition Defense / War Rebounding 4:15 – 4:25 […]

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Idaho Falls Tigers Varsity Basketball

I’m grateful for the opportunity to lead the Idaho Falls Tiger basketball program during the 2020-21 season. Although I wish it were for different reasoning, I’m looking forward to the opportunity to compete with this group of student athletes. Coach Howard Hart has been instrumental in my coaching career, giving me the opportunity 5 years […]

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Reading Is The Answer

Coach Rav shared with me a list of questions and advice on how to grow. There’s a few in questions in particular where books can be the answer. Who can help me see what I don’t see? What do I need to know? What don’t I know? How will I acquire unique knowledge to set […]

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Managing Poor Performance – A Case Study

Introduction             Heather is in the training department of a large IT organization. She’s been given a training opportunity that consists of designing and delivering interpersonal skills, training, communication skills, networking, and new manager training initiatives (2013). Heather has designed her training classes, and has conducted research into what good communication and networking consists of. […]

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My Conversation With A Hall of Famer

Four years ago today changed my life, forever. I was still newly married with little money. My wife and I donated plasma to bring home a little more income and to help pay her tuition. I saved a month’s plus worth of donation to help pay for my flight to Los Angeles. Coach George Raveling […]

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5 Characteristics of Great Coaches

As coaches we often talk about characteristics that make great coaches. There’s a lot of thoughts, ideas and formulas on what makes the best the best. While there isn’t a wrong answer, my favorite version has come from Fran Fraschilla. He’s shared his five characteristics of a great coach as follows: Teaching Skills Communication Skills         […]

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Performance Management System – Study

Introduction As a newly hired HR consultant, I have been put in charge of designing and implementing a performance management system for the position of Grocer’s Associate, which will help support the organization in their expansion and performance. Performance management identifies, measures, and develops the individual performance of employees and builds the overall performance of […]

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What Motivates You At Work?

One of the biggest and most expensive mistakes companies and teams alike make are the opportunity to create buy in with their teams. Rather than asking employees to buy in to the company culture created, there’s a different question that needs to be asked. Here’s the million dollar question – What motivates you at work? […]

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Performance Management Process

Introduction The performance management process is filled with a variety of steps and processes that lead to success. Performance management is an ongoing process and an integral part of an organization. It begins with consideration of an organization’s vision, mission, and strategic goals; it links to planning, execution, assessment, and review (2016).  Performance management is a […]

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Performance Management Systems

Introduction The purpose of a performance management system is to identify, measure, and develop the individual performance of employees and the performance of the team as a whole. Once an organization develops a strategic set of goals and vision, performance management systems help employees align their individual goals with that of the organization. Performance management […]

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Organizational Climate – Acquisition Interventions

Introduction The role of the leadership and management team is to unite employees together with a vision of accomplishing shared goals and reaching sustainable success. Gary Yukl (2012) stated, “The essence of leadership in organizations is influencing and facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives.” As the newly appointed HR manager, understanding the […]

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Strategic Organizational Planning

Introduction The strategic planning process allows for organizations to research, plan, formulate, and then implement. The strategic planning process serves as an exceptional tool for organizations and business to set the direction, and to ensure organizational success through developing tactics and operational plans (Reed & Boagardus, 2012). Strategic planning includes being engaged in the research, […]

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Effective Organizational and Team Structure

Effective Organizational Structure What makes an organization effective? Why are some organizations more effective than others? When looking at how an organization can remain effective in its structure and how working in a global economy may impact that, we need to understand what that entails. Jokinen (2005) stated “a global leader is anyone having global […]

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Change Implementation Plan

Understanding Change Why is change important and how will it affect us in the workplace, on the court and in life? The more important question is not how will change affect us, but how and where will it not affect us? You may be hard pressed in finding an answer to that question. Change will […]

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Coaching and Leading A Diverse Team

Introduction Leaders may apply aspects of spiritual leadership theory in their organizational approach to developing a multicultural workforce. Haynes (2013) explains that studies in this area have found that companies with leadership teams with diverse backgrounds out-perform teams that do not by up to 47% in terms of revenue. While the benefits are understood and […]

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Transformational Vs. Transactional Leadership

Introduction Many leadership theories and ideas have come up through organizations and leadership scholars. While there may not be a common definition of leadership, the different styles allow for leaders to better equip themselves for sustainable future success. Gary Yukl (2012) stated, “The essence of leadership in organizations is influencing and facilitating individual and collective […]

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Examination of Modern Leadership

Introduction There are numerous leadership styles that inspire and motivate, and this means there isn’t one right answer or set way. Understanding this is a key aspect of leadership, not being limited to one method. Leadership is a concept that is culturally constructed. Stogdill (as cited in Northhouse, 2013) states that there are as many […]

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Lead Through Listening

One of the most important and overlooked aspects of leadership is the ability to listen. As I continue to study and practice leadership techniques, I’ve become more aware of the importance of listening. In order to lead those around us, we have to understand them. We have to create relationships with them. We need to […]

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Mentor. Coach. Friend. Congrats Coach Rav

Naismith Hall of Fame basketball coach, George Raveling, was recognized this past weekend at Washington State University. Coach Rav secured his first head coaching job in Pullman in 1972. Coach took two teams to the NCAA tournament and finished with an overall record of 167-136, including seven winning seasons. He sent multiple players to the […]

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Leaders Build Teams

There’s an obsession floating around in the world of business, leadership and coaching. There are hundreds of definitions swirling, containing examples of what works and doesn’t work from a historic and current perspective. Multiple methods have been put in place by business executives and coaches alike, claiming they have the answer of how to create […]

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Authentic Leadership

Authenticity in leadership is one of, if not the most important characteristic that a leader and coach can possess. Authenticity must come from within. It can’t be forced, faked, or pushed to the side as other aspects of leadership and coaching are pursued. While there isn’t one specific definition of what an authentic leader is […]

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How Culture Drives Engagement

I’m currently reading two different books. One is The Champion’s Mind: How Great Athletes Think, Train, and Thrive by Dr. Jim Afremow. The other is Jon Gordon’s latest book, The Power of a Positive Team. I’m a current marketer with a background and experience in human resources. I’m educated in both areas of business and […]

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