My Morning Routine

I recently read a quote that said something along the lines of “you either win or lose your day before 8am.” I’ve always had a morning routine, but have felt compelled to make a few positive changes for a few months now. As I put it off, I continued to find myself reading and listening to different books, videos and podcasts speaking to the benefits of certain routines others have found successful and attributed to their massive success. I’m apart of a mentorship group with high performance and NBA player development coach, Phil Beckner. He challenged us to continue to improve and align ourselves with serious intent on our last call. He uses the phrase, “you can’t give away what you don’t possess.” Powerful!

My mentor and Hall of Fame coach, George Raveling, taught me that “leadership begins with self leadership.” My goal is to improve myself, so I can be better equipped to pour into and re-charge others. I’ve created a routine that has worked for me, and hope it inspires you to find something that works for you. 

  • Stretch and Meditate
  • Read Scriptures
  • Journal
  • Read a Book, Usually Self Development
  • Exercise
  • Get Kids Breakfast
  • Start Work

*Stay off my phone for the first hour of being awake.

This has allowed me to begin my morning with more stillness, mindfulness, and allows myself to be present. It fills my mind with motivation and positivity first thing in the morning. 

Have you found a routine that works for you? Drop a reply if so!