The 5 H’s

One of the most important aspects of building a team is the bond that’s created throughout the season. The players become brothers, and we become a family together. We spend a lot of time together. We celebrate together. We get frustrated together. We take feedback together. We learn together. We communicate often with one another. We grow together.

We engaged in a team building activity after our inter-squad scrimmage today called the 5 H’s. I first heard it from Boise State Head Coach Leon Rice. Since then, I’ve heard of more teams, collegiate and professional, utilizing this particular team building activity. The 5 H’s are as follows:

  1. History
  2. Highlight
  3. Heartbreak
  4. Heroes
  5. Hopes

I believe in the phrase “Coach To Lead,” meaning my intent is to coach players and build leaders. Our guys showed leadership qualities by opening up and sharing more about their lives with their teammates. They stood at the front of the room, took off their hats, spit out their gum and looked their teammates in the eye while sharing what could be considered vulnerable information. Some kids open up more than other. Some get a little more serious than others. I believe each kid benefits from the opportunity to share about their life and to listen to their teammates talk about theirs. One thing that stuck out to me, for the second season in a row, was the fact that every single kid said their parents were their heroes. The impact by parents, and the recognition of that from the kids made me proud to be a father, coach and someone aspiring to build better leaders.

I’m looking forward to leading the Middleton basketball program into 2022! We will embrace the challenge, the coaching and chance to connect.